East Coast Samaritans is thrilled to announce a generous donation of €500 from Codling Wind Park.
Codling Wind Park is a leading renewable energy company focused on the development and operation of wind farms in Ireland. Their commitment to sustainability and community engagement makes them a valued partner in our mission to promote mental health and well-being.
East Coast Samaritans is thrilled to announce a generous donation of €500 from Codling Wind Park, a gesture that will significantly contribute to the continuation and expansion of our support services. This act of kindness demonstrates Codling Wind Park’s commitment to the well-being of our community and their support for mental health awareness.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to Pamela and the entire team at Codling Wind Park for their support. Their contribution not only aids us financially but also helps in raising awareness about the vital services we provide. East Coast Samaritans is dedicated to offering emotional support to those in need.
As we express our gratitude, we also want to take this opportunity to remind the community of the services offered by East Coast Samaritans.
Samaritans are a helpline open 24/7, providing a safe and confidential space for anyone struggling to cope or in need of a listening ear. East Coast Samaritans is part of many branches who work together to ensure a volunteer is available at all times.
Once again, we thank Codling Wind Park and encourage other organizations to follow in their footsteps of generosity and community support. Without support like this, we are unable to be here for callers. We are very grateful for all of the support we receive through kind donations.
Samaritans are available anytime day or night every single day of the year please contact free phone on 116 123 or email [email protected]