Thank you for your interest in this research. It gives you details about what taking part would be like and how the study findings will be used. It also provides details of the support you will be offered if you decide to take part.
Take time to read the information sheet carefully. Feel free to talk to others about the study, if you wish. Please ask us if there is anything that is not clear or if you would like more information. Take time to decide whether or not you would like to be interviewed.
What is this research about?
The aim of this study is to better understand the experiences of people who have self-harmed, thought about taking their own life or attempted suicide during the Covid-19 pandemic. Specifically, we want to understand more about the changing impact of Covid-19 (including lockdown, social distancing restrictions, and the economic effects) on the wellbeing of people who have recently been suicidal and/or self-harmed. There are two ways to take part in the research - interviews or written responses:
Interviews will last no longer than 90 minutes and take place over the telephone or on a video conferencing platform (Microsoft Teams). At the beginning of the session, the researcher will ask to audio-record the interview, but you can refuse. Before the interview starts, you will be asked to give verbal consent and then asked to confirm your consent when recording begins. The researcher will answer any questions you have about the study.
If the interview is conducted via video conferencing, we will ensure confidentiality by following recommended security procedures: enabling a waiting room, ensuring the session is password protected, sharing the session ID only with the participant, and ‘locking’ the room once the participant has joined to prevent other uninvited people joining. You can use a virtual background on the video call or join the video call with audio only if you wish.
Written response
We expect this will take about 30 minutes to complete, but you can take more or less time if you prefer. There are some prompts and guiding questions to help you think about your experiences. You will be able to complete your response in multiple sessions, saving what you’ve done so far. At the start, you will be asked for consent.
What will the questions be like?
You will be asked about your experiences of life during the pandemic and whether it has affected your wellbeing. We have purposely designed the research to be led by you – we would like to hear what has been important to you and will give you space to discuss your experiences and feelings in a way that you find most comfortable. You can choose what you do and don’t want to talk or write about. Some general themes we will cover, if you are comfortable with this, are:
- Family and relationships
- Work/study
- Money
- Friends/loneliness
- Mental health support from community or health services
- Physical health.
If I decide to take part, what will happen next?
You can complete a screener survey, which will help you choose whether you would like to take part and find out if you are eligible. If you are eligible, you may be contacted by a researcher working for Samaritans, though we will not be able to contact everyone who is interested. They will ask you to confirm that you still want to go ahead and take part in the study. If you do want to continue an interview will be arranged. The interview will take place either on the telephone or on a video conferencing platform (e.g. zoom) – whichever you find most comfortable and it will be arranged at a convenient time for you.
Do I have to take part?
No. Participation in this research is completely voluntary. Even if you do decide to take part, you can change your mind and withdraw any time by texting, emailing or calling the researcher with a unique participant number you will be given when you agree to take part. For example, you can email or text “Withdraw from study [NUMBER]”. This means you do not have to give any explanation for your withdrawal. After the interview has taken place, participants will still be able to withdraw their contribution from the research using the same method until two weeks after you take part, when our analysis begins. If you do withdraw from the research, there will be no negative consequences; your use of Samaritans’ services will not be affected; any information that you have already provided will be destroyed; and you will not be contacted again in connection with this study.
Will I be identified or identifiable if I take part?
No. You will not be identified or identifiable in any results, report, publication or case studies that come from this research. We will not use your name or identify you when we write about the research. We will use quotes in the report and produce case study stories, ensuring that any identifying details are removed. We will not report anything that you have said unless you say something that indicates that you or others are at significant risk of harm. In this instance, we may have a duty of care to talk to Samaritans internal staff and seek advice, but we would not do so without discussing this with you first. All the information you give us will be stored securely by Samaritans and only accessed by the research team – it will not be shared with anyone else. Within six months of the end of the study all personal data relating to you and everyone else in the study will be destroyed.
What are the possible risks of taking part?
Previous research suggests that the majority of people who take part in a study such as this do not experience any negative outcomes as a result of their participation. Nevertheless, it is possible that you may find that taking part causes a temporary increase in feelings of distress. The researcher who will contact you to arrange the research and carry out the interviews has been trained to look out for any signs that you are in discomfort because of the topic being discussed. If necessary, the researcher will offer you the chance to stop or pause your participation and/or talk to a Samaritans volunteer for support. If the researcher has concerns that you may be an immediate risk to yourself or others, then they may have a duty of care to seek help and support, but they will always discuss this with you first.
Are there any possible benefits?
We hope that you will find participating in this study interesting and that you may feel positive about contributing to a project that aims to raise awareness of these issues. To recognise the time given up by participants, we are offering £20 to interview participants and £10 for written responses as a token of our appreciation for taking part.
What support will I get if I do take part?
All participants will be offered a voluntary, follow-up wellbeing check with the research team a few days after taking part. If you use Samaritans’ services, you can use them when needed as before. You will also be provided with a list of support available from other organisations before and after taking part. In addition, all interview participants will be offered post-interview support from a Samaritans listening volunteer. You do not have to accept this offer.
What will happen to the research findings?
An external agency will transcribe (type up) the audio recording via a secure and encrypted online portal. All the information you give us will be stored securely by Samaritans and kept strictly confidential to the research team. Once we have completed our study, we will produce a series of anonymised case studies from the data, write blogs and other publications. You will be not be identifiable in the case studies or any other publications from this research. The case studies will be used to influence policy and practice in this area.
Who is organising and funding this study?
The study is organised by the research team based at Samaritans, and the lead researcher on the project is Magdalena Tomaszewska. This project is funded by Samaritans.
What if I want to complain?
If you have any concerns about any aspect of the way you have been approached or treated during the course of this study, you should contact:
Liz Scowcroft, Head of Research and Evaluation, Samaritans.
Telephone: 020 8394 8330
Email: [email protected]
Who do I contact if I have any questions about my involvement or would like to withdraw from the research?
Contact the researcher directly:
Magdalena Tomaszewska, Research Officer, Samaritans.
Telephone: 07483027820
Email: [email protected]