Samaritans and the Support after Suicide Partnership (SASP)
Samaritans is host to the SASP and proud to support its work as an autonomous programme. The SASP plays an important cross-sector role and Samaritans is pleased to be one of its founding members. Samaritans sit on the Leadership Team of the SASP.
About the Support after Suicide Partnership
The Support After Suicide Partnership brings together suicide bereavement organisations and people with lived experience, to achieve a vision that everyone bereaved or affected by suicide is offered timely and appropriate support. Their work is achieved by:
1. Increasing the capacity of local suicide bereavement support
The SASP website supports over 70,000 visitors a year to find information, resources, and support on many areas of being impacted by suicide.
We all believe there need to be proactive services throughout the country. SASP are working closely with NHS England to ensure that every area of England has a proactive suicide bereavement support service by 2024. This means that people are offered support within 72 hours of a death by suspected suicide.
2. Connecting organisations and stakeholders
When a suicide happens, it impacts whole communities. Therefore, the response needs to be community-wide too. SASP work to ensure that the support infrastructure in the UK provides people with the support they need, when they need it.
3. Ensuring service provision is sustainable
SASP develops robust measurement and evaluation frameworks, supports existing services, and ensures the SASP network is at the forefront of good practice and current thinking.
Join the SASP
Become a member of the biggest network for suicide bereavement in the UK