The difference we’ll make
The strategy we’ve laid out isn’t just about what we’re doing, but about the change we’re making.
We can’t achieve these things alone, but we will measure our part in them by looking at the difference we are making to people in the moment, within communities and to wider society.
Over the next five years, we will hold ourselves to account for how well we’re doing in pursuit of our five priorities. We will be honest about success and failure. Alongside continual analysis and review of all areas of work, which we will report on internally every quarter to our Board, we will publish results each year in our Impact Report. The first report on this strategy will be for the year 2022/23 and previous reports can be found here: Our Impact Reports

The partnership between Samaritans and the wider rail industry is important because every member of staff should be trained and have the confidence to make a difference, a life changing difference.
Rizwan, Network Rail employee