Chapter 9: Our income and expenditure

How you helped us raise vital funds

Thank you to everyone who supported Samaritans this year. It has been a challenging year, but you made it possible for us stay open 24/7 and be here for people when they needed us most. These are some of the many ways you supported Samaritans.


raised with the support of our corporate partners


ATMs at 280 Barclays branches advertised Samaritans' helpline number


supporters gave a gift via direct debit


people were welcomed as new donors


amazing fundraisers signed up to do events and challenges

Financial information

Income (total £23.9m)

This chart shows Samaritans’ charitable income in 2022/23. Thanks to the £23.9 million you helped us raise this year, Samaritans volunteers were able to be on the phone with someone in need every single second of 2022.

Income graph - Impact Report 2023

A graph showing the different streams of income in 2023


(total £27.9m)

This chart shows Samaritans’ expenditure in 2022/23. This year we spent almost 80 pence in every pound across four strategic priority areas: Access, Impact, Capacity, and Reach. Just over 20 pence in every pound was invested in fundraising, our strategic priority area of Sustainability, to help us raise enough income for next year and beyond.

expenditure graph - Impact Report 2023

A graph showing our expenditure in 2023

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