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Chapter 8: Our brand

The face and voice of Samaritans

The way we look and what we say shows people we’re here for them, whatever they’re going through.

Samaritans continues to be one of the UK’s most trusted charity brands, with high levels of awareness and support.

7 in 10

people think Samaritans is more relevant than ever

5.4 million

visits to our website this year


people followed us on social media

"I’m proud to be supporting Samaritans, it’s a charity that is really close to my heart. I rang Samaritans for support and would urge anyone else struggling to do so too. Talking to someone who didn’t know me, or judge me, really helped when I wanted to talk about how I was feeling. I want people to know that everyone struggles at some point, but it doesn’t last forever, and you don’t have to go through it alone."

Scarlett Moffatt, who became a Samaritans Ambassador in 2021

Scarlett Moffatt

Scarlett Moffatt

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