Download document: Tips for a successful video interview with Samaritans
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How to set up and maximise your impact during a video interview with Samaritans
Firstly, congratulations on reaching this stage. We have been impressed by your application and we want to learn more about you.
Although a video interview may appear straightforward, even the most capable candidates can fall down at this stage, if they are not prepared. The whole situation can feel unnatural, so we have prepared a few hints and tips to help you have the best possible interview.
Tone of voice is one of the most important aspects of a video interview and enthusiasm is key. We’ve already read through your CV and know you have the right experience, so be passionate about the skills you can bring to the team.
If you feel like you’re having one of those days where everything is going wrong and you have a video interview booked in, what can you do to improve your mindset, ready for the call? You could walk around the block, make a cup of tea, listen to your favourite song – something to get you ready for the interview.
Don’t panic. We are all human. These things happen on a video interview. The best thing to do – acknowledge it and move on. If an interuption does happen, we will be looking at how you handle it as opposed to the issue itself.
Thank the interviewers for their time and ensure you reiterate your interest in the role. Try not to end the video call until the interviewer has ended it, to ensure you don’t cut them off.
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