Together we can make change that saves lives.
Our Vision
Our vision is that fewer people die by suicide.
To achieve this, we believe Samaritans has a crucial role to play in:
- Reducing the risk factors that make some people more likely to take their own lives.
- Ensuring that people who are at increased risk of suicide are supported.
- Making it less likely that people who do experience suicidal thoughts act on them.
- Reducing the likelihood that people will develop suicidal thoughts.
Our Mission
We’re here every day and night of the year for anyone struggling to cope. We make sure people have somewhere to turn and support when they need it most. We work with communities to let people know we’re here for them and we campaign to make suicide prevention a priority.
Our Values
Our support services adapt to the changing environment, but the values at the core of our listening service remain constant:
Exploring feelings alleviates distress and helps people to reach a better understanding of their situation and the options open to them.
If people feel safe, they are more likely to be open about their feelings.
We want people to be able to talk to us without fear of prejudice or rejection.
People making their own decisions
We believe that people have the right to find their own solution and that telling people what to do takes responsibility away from them.
Human contact
Giving people time, undivided attention and empathy meets a fundamental emotional need and reduces distress and despair.
Read about why our work matters
Suicide facts and figures