Why we need your help

Every 90 minutes, someone in the UK or Ireland takes their own life. In the next hour, we'll respond to almost 400 calls for help.

The situation right now

6,944 people

died by suicide across the UK and Ireland in 2018

900,000 hours

spent by Samaritans volunteers every year responding to calls for help


is what we need to answer a call from someone struggling to cope

How we're making a difference

Every 10 seconds, Samaritans responds to a call for help.

Samaritans has more than 200 branches and locations across the UK and Ireland.

Around 23,000 Samaritans volunteers help us deliver our lifesaving service.

In 2021, Samaritans volunteers held over 1,500 outreach events and raised awareness at events with over half a million attendees

For every £1 raised for Samaritans and its branches, 80p goes on our services and just 20p is invested in raising the next £1.

Support us today

Make a donation

Donate now and help us to be there for everyone.

A man outside on his phone (Outside_444_AR)


Run, cycle, swim or walk and raise money to help us answer the next call.

Samaritans_London Marathon 2021_Anthony Spratt-min

Leave a gift in your will

Leave a legacy that will help us be there for a person who needs someone


Need support? Call 116 123 to speak to a Samaritan or

view other ways to get in touch